A meat stew flavored with Maghreb spices
What a simple dish that they are just so pleased to have every time I serve it.
The kind of dish that makes you feel like you are having dinner from a high-end restaurant. The sauce is creamy and full of flavor. In fact, many of us like to have it as a soup with a good hot miche of bread. I prepare it on Friday for my Saturday lunch’s meal. Because there are dishes that are better the day after, this one is perfect for that. I do it when I’m too lazy to cook. Shame on me to say that. It could downgrade the way I really want you to understand. But there are not much else I can tell,
You will try and you will describe it for me!
Just one of this recipes that rocked my childhood that I also wanted to be written somewhere.
So here we go with The Loubia of my childhood!!!
Serve 8
2 pound beef chunk 1 kg
1 pound small beans 450 g
4 narrow bones
5/7 hard boil eggs
4 cloves of crushed garlic
5-7 tbsp cumin
3-4 tbsp paprika
½ cup olive oil.
2-3 cup of water 750ml
2-3 cup chicken broth (if no chicken broth use water) 750ml
Take the beans and pour them in a small cooking pot. Cover with cold water and let it boil for about 4-5 minutes. Drain the water, pour in fresh water and repeat the process one more time. Drain and set it in your large cooking pot.
Prepare the sauce.
In a small bowl mix together all the spices with the salt. Set aside and prepare your garlic. Once those steps are ready
Take a small saucepan and pour the olive oil in .Take it to the heat and start on heating until the oil reaches a high temperature. Right after, pour in the spices and reduce directly the heat to the lowest. Add in the crushed garlic. Whisk well to combine and set aside.
Prepare your meat.
I like to buy the whole piece and cut to nice big chunk
(With 2 pound I cut approximately 5 nice large chunk of meat)
Now that all steps are done, take the cooking pot with the beans and place the meat around. Place the bones in the middle. Pour in the spiced oil. And cover with cold liquid. Enough to completely cover the meat. And even a little more. Bring to a boil and with wet parchment paper cover your entire surface of the dish. Cover finally with the lid. Reduce the heat to medium low making. You want it on low heat but still with a little action in the pot.
After 1:30 to 2 hours. Add some liquid if necessary. It needs to be served with some sauce. Taste and season if necessary and add the hard boiled eggs and the potatoes. ( I cut miné into very thick chucks) recover and let it cook for another 30 to 40 minutes.
Voilà once the meat is tender the dish is ready. You can let it cook down for a bit and place it in the fridge for the day after. Or serve it right away with a nice scoop of couscous. And a nice warm piece of bread.
If you are making it in the crockpot it is really all the same steps. Just that I put the potatoes and eggs in as well from the beginning. 6-8 on low!
Wait until you see your crowd enjoying such a comfort meal!
And I am waiting for your feedback.