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Whole wheat challah

That is it, I finally found a beautiful recipe. It is not so easy to have delicious whole wheat challah as it can come out dry and flavorless. There are so many recipes that I lost hope a bit not finding the right one. And then combining a few of them, I just got the perfect one and surprise! The texture is just so soft and the taste so flavorful plus I got a bit creative on one of them by filling it with some green olive, za’atar, and dry olives “ohlala” this one was just memorable. So Let’s get into it

For about 3-4 Challah

1/2 Cup Warm water

1/2 Tbsp sugar

2 Tbsp Dry yeast or 4 if you use fresh one

2.5 pound Whole wheat flour

2 Tbsp salt

1/3 cup + 1 full tbsp sugar

1/2 cup oil ( I really like to use olive oil)

3 Tbsp honey

2.5 Cup sparkling water

If you want to fill one of them you will need

1/3 cup dry tomatoes

1/3 seedless green olives

1/4 cup of a mix of Za’atar , sesame,oregano thym and olive oil


First, mix together water, yeast, and the 1/2 tbsp of sugar. Let it stands 10-15 minutes. The mixture will become foamy. Add then all the ingredients starting with the flour and the rest by the order that you’d like. With the hook attachment, start kneading until the dough is well combined. From this moment you will need to knead the dough for 15 minutes, this is an important step to the recipe. When the dough is done covers it and let it rest for 1 hour, in a warm area. If you want to make filled challah, prepare your filling now. I found one day some za’atar paste which is a mix of Za’atar spice, sesame seed, oregano, thyme, and olive oil, if you don’t have this, you can prepare it yourself by combining all those ingredients together (more or less 3 tbsp of all dry herbs with 6 tbsp of za’atar and enough olive oil to combine all) then add to that some seedless olive and dry tomatoes and set aside. When the dough is finished to rise Put some whole wheat flour on your working table and start to knead your dough. On youtube, I show you how to make a 4 branches challah if you want to give it a try. For the filled challah just take 3 pieces of dough, around 180 g each. Flat them down, fill them with the za’atar spread, and from the length close it back rolling it, to create the branch. When all your challot are braided cover them with a clean kitchen towel and let it rest for No More than 25 minutes. Know that the challah will continue to rise in the oven. For the wash, you can use 2 yolks with 2 tbsp of water or 4 tbsp of hot water mix with 6 tbsp of honey I like to sprinkle some sesame on top. In the oven, it goes for 40 minutes at 350 F or until it is well golden. You can freeze it when it comes out from the oven by wrapping them with foil. To defrost it I usually switch on the oven at 450 F let it get very hot and lower it at 200 F, unwrap the challah and put it straight still frozen to the oven for 15 minutes. Oh warm challah is so so yummy.

Voila here you will have scrumptious whole wheat challah full of flavor just delicious. ENJOY!!!

Come and join me on Instagram where i share there some fun and easy to make.

if you would like to watch this recipe it is right here Enjoy!!!

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