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Spinach &Meat stew

Here is a recipe that I don’t hesitate to make when I receive guests. Full of flavor delightful meat beans spinach meatloaf serve rice or couscous. This is from my experience a winner every time.


4 pound frozen spinach

1 1/2 cup olive oil

10 big crush garlic clove

2 cup small white bean

2-pound meat chuck or shank

3 eggs

1 feet bone or 2 marrow bone

2 tbsp paprika

2 tbsp Salt

1 1/2 quart water

For the meatloaf

1/2 ground beef

2 crush garlic cloves

1 small white onion. Chop finely

1/2 bouquet cilantro. Chop finely

1/2 bouquet coriander. Chop finely

1 egg

5 oz cook couscous


In a large saucepan on high heat, put your spinach to defrost and let them reduce with 1 cup of olive oil and crush garlic, making sure that you are stirring all the time. when all the spinach are defrosted reduce the heat to medium-high and let it cook.

It should take about 1 hour. You will add the rest of the olive oil after 45 minutes

You must check out every once in awhile your spinach as they can burn very quickly. That why it is very necessary to stir it all the time. This is the most important step of the recipe. It needs to kind of fry. But be careful not to burn it.

In the mid-time, we are going to clean the bean by pouring them in a small saucepan and cover it with water, bring it to a boil, when the water boil leaves for it 5 minutes on high heat and throw the water repeat the step one more time. Set the bean aside.

After 45 minutes to a 1-hour stirring and cooking the spinach, you will see how the amount reduces and become kind of a puree.

Add the bean the meat, cut in a big chunk. The eggs, salt paprika, and water. Watch out with the salt as spinach are salty originally.

Prepare the meatloaf by combining all the ingredients and shape it as a loaf.

Add it then to the top of the stew cover a bit by taking some of the stew to its top.

Cover and cook on low for about 5 hours Or till meat tender. You will probably have to pour a bit of water during this time.

Nothing much to add except that this is delicious !!!

you can also watch the recipe on my youtube channel

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