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Donut 🍩

I have been working as a scientist to put together this recipe. I honestly made 3 dough and put them in the trash after frying because it was still not the texture that I was looking for. And “voila” I finally succeed this one. It is just the perfect bite it melts in your mouth it is so light and fluffy… Yes, my dear reader, I am more than happy to be able to share with you this scrumptious recipe. I baked 50 donut with those quantities but you should nit problem to cut it by half easy. What I like the most is that I placed them in a box straight in the fridge and for two days we were able to have those delightful treats. Just 12 seconds in the microwave and you have a donut just like in a donut store.


2 pack dry yeast

1 cup of warm water

1 cup warm milk

1 tsp salt

1 1/4 cup sugar

3 eggs

1/2 cup shortening or oil or melted butter

5_6 Cup Flour.

In a large bowl bring the yeast and the warm water together give a nice stir add 1 cup of flour whisk cover and let it proof for 15 minutes. The result will be all nicely bubbling.

Add to that the shortening ( I personally used peanut oil ), the sugar 3 cup of flour,salt give it a whisk add the egg and warm milk. Combine all ingredients it is going to be so liquid and sticky that you are going to think that this recipe has a problem. But don’t panic that is normal! Add 1/2 Cup of flour on the working table and 1/2 Cup on top of the dough. Pour the dough and start kneading adding 1/2 Cup of flour at a time. Make sure to well incorporate the flour to the dough before adding. It will take 10 to 15 minutes of kneading until you get to the right texture. As soon as you can work the dough comfortably stop adding flour. you should use no more than 2 cups for this step. Oil a large bowl add the dough cover it and let it rise for 1h30 to 2 hours. Try to place it in a warm location.

The dough out onto a well-floured surface and gently roll out 1/2 inch thickness. Cut with a floured doughnut cutter or a 3 1/2 inch diameter round cooking cutter. Let it rise again, loosely cover until double.

Heat oil in a deep_fryer or a large saucepan to reach 350 F. Gently slide in the donut 3 to 4 at a time depending on how big is your saucepan. They should reach the button and quickly come to the surface it should not take more than 1 minute per side. It needs to be slightly brown when flip it or take it out.

The icing should be done at the time of the final raise just before frying, as we want the donuts still well warm while dipping them into any final touch.


2 cup confectioner sugar

1/4 cup milk

1/4 cup corn syrup

Mix all well together and set aside

Chocolate ganache

The same amount of chocolate for the same amount of heavy cream.

Boil the heavy cream take out from heat stir in the chocolate ( I use semi-sweet) and whisk until all combined and shiny.

While hot, dip your donut into the topping of your choices and E_N_J_O_Y

They are so decadent excellent fluffy light not enough word to describe

You want to watch the recipe here it is

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