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Unforgettable Chinese chicken noodle recipe !

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Thank you my daughter!!! She’s been coming into the kitchen for a little while now with lots of recipe ideas and she’s even made a little notebook where when she sees something she really likes she writes it down! She has quite a few now! Rigatoni cake! Air fryer pasta chips! Salsa verse chicken wigs. (Love this one) Cucumber pasta salad dress with an decadent dressing! She is having some nice recipes in that little book that she handmade by herself!!! So Here is the last of her requests, Chinese-style chicken noodles! A little hesitant, I am always wondering if I am going to have the right ingredients when it comes to Asian recipes. . But I made it simple and accessible to everyone. Even my 12 years old can make it!!! Truly delicious! It pleased the crowd and I even stapled it on my recipe book as well! Lol! Allez c’est partit!

For 4 to 6 people (and even better the next day)


1 pound chicken breast. Clean and cut into 1 inch thick slices (500g)

2 tablespoons of soy sauce

2 tablespoons sesame oil

2 tablespoons cornstarch

For the sauce

A little oil for frying with a little sesame oil

2 minced garlic cloves

½ inch chopped ginger

1/3 cup Japanese cooking wine (otherwise white wine) (40ml)

2 tablespoons of soy sauce

2 tablespoons sesame oil

shredded white cabbage

Grated carrot


snow peas


Salt to taste

Chinese noodles or rice.


In a bowl, mix the chicken with the soy sauce and sesame oil then add the cornstarch, mix well then set aside. In a large pan, heat some oil (3-4 tablespoons) and start frying the chicken. Highly on high heat. Then 2-3 minutes over medium heat, scraping the bottom of the pot well. Then pour in the wine and let it evaporate over medium heat. By always recovering the juices of the poultry. Add the vegetables except the sprouts. Stir briskly then pour in the soy sauce and sesame oil. Let simmer over very low heat. Cook the noodles according to the package then directly with tongs, take the noodles from boiling water to the chicken pot. And mix them with the chicken. Add the bean sprouts, mix briskly Check the seasoning! Then serve. A little sesame seeds and a drizzle of sweet and sour sauce for garnish. !

Watch it here.

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